Barkface & Rootnose and Other Fables


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2008 Barkface & Rootnose and Other Fables. Jonathan Kruk, Master Storyteller. Music by Matt Noble. Dedicated to "Fr. Greg -- One tale is good till another is told." Signed by Jonathan Kruk. Berger Platters. Gift of Jonathan Kruk, Nov., '09. A second copy is inscribed "Enjoy! I hope this makes a worthy addition to your collection! Jonathan Kruk." This copy adds to the first: "Parents' Choice Approved."

I taught Jonathan in a course probably called "Greek Literature" at Holy Cross College in the 1970's. In a course in which students had to make some artwork in response to the literature we were reading, Jonathan made a wild oversized line-drawing of Jason making an indecent gesture to Medea with her children lying dead in the Sun-God's cart. The crazy, many-viewpointed drawing featured a cameo of Fr. Carlson! I displayed it proudly to years of subsequent students as I enlisted their artworks. In this disc we hear six stories with excellent sound effects, music, and various voices: "Barkface and Rootnose"; "Big Fish Small Pond": "Fox & Crow"; "Rabbit & Turtle"; "Squeak & Roar"; and "Tailor's Tale". The third, fourth, and fifth, are traditional Aesopic fables well told. The first story is about competing seeds who, as trees, learn to work together. Big fish learns that the big river has lots of threats in it and returns happy to the little pond. In LM, the mouse spearheads a movement to help the lion, and then maybe "he will not be so mean." The mouse helps when the lion has got a thorn in his paw. In a second phase, the lion is caught in a hunter's net. "Tailor's Tale" is a tale told for the fun of telling a tale. Good work, Jonathan! Your old teacher more than approves!



“Barkface & Rootnose and Other Fables,” Creighton University Libraries: Archives & Special Collections, accessed October 16, 2024,

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